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Kickstart The Engine Of Your Heart With Soaring Rock Vocals & Striking Songs and Get Yourself 3 FREE Song Downloads From Canadian Rockstar Will Black."
Enter Your Email And Instantly Receive
3 Free Songs From Will - Limited Time Only!
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3 of Will's new songs FREE!
Here's what others are saying about Will Black:
"Will throws himself into every song like a demon, singing his heart out with every note."
Mike "Uncle Elvis" Hind
"Will gives blood, sweat and amazing vocals, leaving his audiences crying for MORE!
Hearing is believing that he is destined for greatness, let him ROCK YOUR WORLD."
Sue Kemp
"Throwing dollars at the stage, this man's a rockin' music mage!!!"
Surriya Capon
"Listening to Will Black makes me want to drink.. in a good way ;)"
Tim Deaton
Enter your email below to get
3 of Will's new songs FREE!
Will Black is a Canadian independent rock musician who tours throughout the UK, including London.
Get 3 FREE song downloads from his new album 'Cry Like Hell' and experience kick-ass, new classic rock.
Featuring industry leaders performing throughout the record, the vocals and guitars were nailed wicked awesome on this one - you need to hear it to feel it!
Will's UK fans are saying this is the best stuff he's ever released and social media is blowing up with talk about his upcoming tour shows this spring.
This is an EXCLUSIVE promo offer for his 3 favourite tracks:
"Fire From Your Spark"
"You Slay Me"
"Cry Like Hell"
Enter your email address and get the new songs right away.
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